Customized in-house program

Learn to deliver effective training as a team of experts

Werken jullie met een vaste groep trainers?

And do you want to increase the quality and optimize the training outcome of your trainings?

Then we will create a course specifically tailored to your needs.

Beforehand we look at what is needed, this can be f.e.: improving the quality of the design of the trainings, learn how to deal with resistance, learn how to design smart exercises, or a mix. Together we decide what is most important.

We teach you to work with Karin de Galan's didactic model. This allows you to design and train from a sound foundation.


'Hands on training'

I didn't know exactly what worked and what didn't work in the trainings I delivered. I did a lot on common sense. Now my uncertainty gave way to certainty and enthusiasm. My schedule is well structured, has a clear focus and the training goes smooth. This is confirmed in the feedback I receive from my participants. Thinking of the program of Training Experts, I would call it a hands on training. That's the first thing that comes to my mind. I was able to practice a lot and you helped organize my reflections. If someone is looking for this in a train-the-trainer program, they have come to the right place.

Pascalle Slob Trainer within the social domain

'I feel more confident as a trainer'

I wanted more background and I got it! Being a trainer is not something you do on the side. Training is a profession. And what a knowledge and enthusiasm all trainers of Training Experts have for this profession. You notice that in everything. Also nice to experience that during the training days they do exactly what you are teaching! Since the program I feel more confident as a trainer. I know now that the design of my training is good. If you are looking for an education to master your profession as a trainer ... look no further! Here you have all the knowledge, skills, passion, enthusiasm and humor together.

Anke Korf - Keijsers Occupational therapist

Read more reviews from our participants here

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What is included in a customized program?

  1. The didactic method of Karin de Galan
  2. A careful preliminary process with the client
  3. Intake with the participants
  4. Classroom training days
  5. Application assignments with feedback from the trainer
  6. An online learning environment as transfer support
  7. Advice during and after the course

1. The didactic method of Karin de Galan

This method gives you a solid foundation under your trainings. Goining from 'training on common sense' to really knowing what you are doing as a trainer. Of course, we ourselves, also train according to the method ourselves. So you learn the didactics and experience the effect directly. Because you learn the method together, you develop a common language. This allows you to work together in a coordinated way.

2. A careful preliminary process with the client

As a start, we examine your question and decide what is needed to taylor the program to your specific needs. We make a proposal for the topics that matter most, the duration and the transfer of learnings. Upon agreement, we get to work.

3. Intake with the participants

Our trainer dives into your trainings and materials to get a good picture of your practice. We contact the participants (i.e. your trainers). This can be done in a group intake, by email or we call a few participants. In advance we agree on how we do this. These intakes allow us to tailor the training days to your need.

4. Classroom  training days

In a customized training, you always work with your own cases and your own training materials. If designing new trainings is important then everyone will work on this, using their own material. Are executive skills more relevant, then we practice these. 

5. Application assignments with feedback from the trainer

To achieve real results, a combination of careful preparation, sophisticated didactics and transfer assignments with feedback from the trainer is needed.

We therefore provide individual guidance in applying the new skills in your own practice. These practical assignments help to really master the material.

6. An online learning environment as additional support for transfer

If you opt for our online learning environment, with examples and additional explanations of the theory, we will tailor it to the content of the course. You will have access to this digital environment for a whole year. This allows you to keep yourself sharp and learn to apply the skills even better.

7. Advice during and after the course

After the course, we advise you on what you can do to continue to develop the quality of your training and your own expertise.

So what does a customized program provide?

  • You work together more easily because you speak the same language
  • You will have (re)designed several training components that are ready to be delivered
  • You have an aligned format for your scripts. That works better in the preparation of each training course
  • Jullie trainingen hebben een hoog leerrendement voor de deelnemers
  • You are comfortable in front of the group, can easily motivate participants and deal with resistance
  • You can make reasoned choices about what to do when
  • As an organization, you deliver high-quality training

For whom is the in-house program best suitable?

An in-house program at The Training Experts is for teams of trainers who transfer subject matter knowledge. Your participants must apply that knowledge in their practice.

What do we mean by professional knowledge? Here are a few examples from previous participants: Caretakers learn how to smartly design living spaces for people with dementia; IT buyers learn how to draw up specifications for large tenders; mortgage brokers learn how to write good customer reports. Karin de Galan's method works for all of these topics.

If you primarily provide training that focuses on communication skills (such as sales conversations, assertiveness, and leadership), then a customized course at the karin de galan school for training more appropriate.

In doubt? If so, please feel free to contact us.

Are you interested?
Or do you have any questions?

Then request a no-obligation interview. You will then receive an invitation from us. Together we will explore what you have to learn and whether our approach fits with that.

What does a customized training course cost?

The investment depends on the program. You can assume the following costs:

  • Intake with client: free of charge
  • Intake with participants: € 225 per hour
  • For each whole training day: € 900 design cost and € 1800 implementation cost
  • Practical assignments or supervision: depending on the assignment € 75 to € 250 per assignment per participant.
  • Customized learning environment: €100 per person with a minimum of €800.
  • Project cost: 10%

Do you still have any questions? You'll probably find the answer on our FAQ page

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