Karin de Galan's didactics for experts
Our close collaboration with the school of training

Training as an subject matter expert

Je geeft vakinhoudelijke trainingen. En waar je alles weet over jóuw vak, zo is het nog zoeken in je rol als trainer.
You copy other experts. Or train from common sense.
You would prefer more substantiation for your choices. So that you know what you are doing as a trainer, are more comfortable in front of the group, and see more impact.
We teach you to work with Karin de Galan's model.
You bring your content, we bring our didactic expertise.
All in all, this results in a powerful training with a solid substantive and didactic foundation.
Why this method?
Het model van Karin de Galan werkt als een speer. We zien het in onze trainingen, we horen het van deelnemers en we weten steeds meer over de wetenschappelijke onderbouwing door onderzoek van Karin de Galan en Peter Baggen. Het geeft je een methodisch kader om trainingen te ontwerpen en uit te voeren. Marleen, Jaco en Daan werken al jaren voor de School voor Training (of hebben dat gedaan) en zijn gepokt en gemazeld in deze methode.

Learning and motivation go hand in hand. Participants learn more when they know what's in it for them. And because of that motivation, they will in turn learn more. A well-constructed training program constantly works with on motivating and step by step learning.
How do you get that done? Put the following four steps into each training component:
1. Practical examples
Start with examples of difficult situations from your participants' day to day world. Demonstrate how you, as an expert, deal with them. This is motivating, because participants see immediately what the training delivers. It is instructive, because participants learn easily from examples.
2. Turn into roadmap
Explain the examples the participants have just seen. Give them a checklist to help them practice in a focused way. This way you bring focus to your theory and avoid overly long explanations.
3. Provide successes
Have the material applied and trained step by step. Each exercise is challenging and achievable.
4. Add practical assignments
The step from theory to application in their work is for most participants too big to be inmediately succesfull. Therefore, its important to support them in applying the theory outside of the training. That way they learn more and get success on their daily work.
For whom.
Met De Trainingexperts richten we ons op trainers
die trainingen geven in vakinhoudelijke vaardigheden.
Voorbeelden van vakinhoudelijke vaardigheden
Some examples:
- physical strain and safety,
- writing skills,
- engineering and maintenance,
- LinkedIn usage,
- planning skills,
- assessment and grading methodologies
anything but conversational skills.
Do you teach your participants conversation skills in particular? For example, coaching conversations, conversation methods, commercial and leadership skills.
Then take a look at the offer of the karin de galan school of training.
Would you also like to learn to train like this?
Because of our intensive cooperation with the karin de galan school of training, we are able to translate the latest insights into training for experts. And our participants can start working with it immediately. If you want this too, choose the training that suits you:
Do you still have any questions? You'll probably find the answer on our FAQ page
Who we are
We work closely with the karin de galan school of training. This allows us to incorporate new insights directly into our trainings to experts who also train.
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