'I feel more confident as a trainer'
I wanted more background and I got it! Being a trainer is not something you do on the side. Training is a profession. And what a knowledge and enthusiasm all trainers of Training Experts have for this profession. You notice that in everything. Also nice to experience that during the training days they do exactly what you are teaching! Since the program I feel more confident as a trainer. I know now that the design of my training is good. If you are looking for an education to master your profession as a trainer ... look no further! Here you have all the knowledge, skills, passion, enthusiasm and humor together.
Anke Korf - Keijsers Occupational therapist
'The set up of my training is right!'
I really threw as much information as I could over the fence. They thought it was fun, educational, but putting it into practice; not at all!. I didn't know how to reduce the amount of material and still not miss anything important. Now I got the whole outline of my training just right and people are enthralled. Less is more, I learned! My participants stay focused in all the exercises and go home with the feeling that they have learned something useful and confident that they will actually use it.
Ellen Bonhof Stress coach
'Much more energy'
I was broadcasting a lot of dry material. My participants were in no time, falling asleep. I wanted to convey everything well, but I had difficulty finding the appropriate format. Very nice how you [the trainers] provided me of feedback during the program and were able to think with me, without any knowledge of my expertise. I now divide my training into different parts. I start with a case study, I tell something briefly about the theory and then the participants practice with different type of assigments. I get very positive reactions to this. They are fascinated from beginning to end and always report that it was never boring. With all these positive responses, providing the trainings, gives me way more energy then before.
Irma Visserman Senior advisor HRM

'I now know what I'm doing'
I developed my trainings with great care, but purely on experience and feeling. As a result, preparation took me a long time and I wasn't sure if it was right. The latter in particular caused stress beforehand each training. I have now given the training I designed during the program twice. The participants gave my training 3x a 9 and 3x a 10, and rated me as a trainer with 2x a 9 and 4x a 10! I could never have done this if I had not taken the program. I now know much better what I am doing and how to achieve real learning results with the participants.
Karin Bustraan Professional Organizer
'I dare to sit back more'
I shared too much theory and I presented too much standard material. I learned how to greatly improve my approach. My intakes are better. This allows me to start with 'the pain' of my participants. Thus, from the start, participants are fully engaged and know that they are in the right place with me. I've made my theory parts smaller, I created effective and fun exercises and I dare to lean back and relax more. The part of "doing less myself" is quite a challenge for me ☺. I really liked both trainers Daan and Marleen. There was always an open atmosphere and lots of laughter. Even during the online sessions. Very well organized.
Kirsten van Til Labor market expert, coach & trainer
'From PowerPoint bombardment to interaction'
I conduct training with a fairly large legal component. Not the most exciting material. As a result: a kind of PowerPoint bombardment of tough material and little interaction and hardly any exercises. The training from Trainingexperts gave me a very concrete roadmap on how to set up a good training, even for my somewhat theoretical subject matter. My trainings are now much more interactive and I find it more fun to do. The trainers are all very experienced and good at their job. They apply (of course) the same method we are taught. So you immediately see how it works in practice. They also think along with the best set up of your training design. Highly recommended!
Martijn van Bennekom Independent interim purchasing manager/procurement consultant
'Hands on training'
I didn't know exactly what worked and what didn't work in the trainings I delivered. I did a lot on common sense. Now my uncertainty gave way to certainty and enthusiasm. My schedule is well structured, has a clear focus and the training goes smooth. This is confirmed in the feedback I receive from my participants. Thinking of the program of Training Experts, I would call it a hands on training. That's the first thing that comes to my mind. I was able to practice a lot and you helped organize my reflections. If someone is looking for this in a train-the-trainer program, they have come to the right place.
Pascalle Slob Trainer within the social domain

'Practical tools to deal with issues in the group'
After a training I always had the feeling that our students understood what they could do better, but that they still didn't apply it. I could also feel insecure when they were talking among themselves. During the program I learned how I can really make a connection between the material we present and the practical issues the participants encounter. I also learned how to deal with issues in the group. Now, I really feel confident that my participants will apply what the learnings.
Ton van Kampen Advisor Managed Services & InnovationWho we are
We work closely with the karin de galan school of training. This allows us to incorporate new insights directly into our trainings to experts who also train.
Unique partner